Class Point2D

Represents a point that lies on the x-y plane.

Member Functions

Member Variables


Default constructor, creates a point at (0, 0).

Point2D(const Point2D &source)

Copy constructor, creates a point that's a copy of source.

Point2D(MHFloat newX, MHFloat newY)

Constructor, creates a point at the specified location.

MHFloat angleDeg(const Point2D pointTwo)

Returns the angle in degrees between this point and pointTwo. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis.

MHFloat angleRad(const Point2D pointTwo)

Returns the angle in radians between this point and pointTwo. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis.

MHFloat distance(const Point2D pointTwo)

Returns the distance between this point and pointTwo.

Point2D findPointRad(MHFloat distance, MHFloat angle)

Returns a point at the specified angle and distance from this point. Angle should be in radians.

MHFloat x

MHFloat y

The point's coordinates.

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